(305) 267-3462    (305) 267-3463



dr diaz pediatrics miamiDr. DIAZ PEDIATRICS follows the immunization guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Our practice believes that all children should receive the recommended vaccines according to the guidelines provided by the AAP and the Centers for Disease Control(CDC).

Vaccines are safe and effective in preventing diseases and health complications in children and young adults. Regular vaccinations help children ward off infections, and are administered as one of the safest and best methods of disease prevention.

We reserve the right to refuse to provide medical care to parents who decline mandatory vaccines as recommended by AAP and CDC unless a true medical exemption exists. We are happy to discuss your concerns about vaccines at your child's next visit.

En Dr. DIAZ PEDIATRICS seguimos los protocolos de immunizacion recomendados por la Academia Americana de Pediatria (AAP) y los Centros para Control de Enfermedades (CDC). Nuestra consulta cree firmemente que todos los niños deben ser vacunados acorde a estos protocolos. Las Vacunas son altamente seguras y eficaces en la prevencion de enfermedades infecciosas en los niños y adolescentes.

Le invitamos a que discuta con nosotros sus preocupaciones acerca de cualquier vacuna el dia de la cita medica de su hijo.





5703 NW 7th Street
Miami, Fl, 33126
United States

Phone (305) 267-3462
Fax    (305) 267-3463

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